Great job all. As we discussed, you're all looking quite good for this point in the course. Having said that, now's the time to press ahead aggressively to get the assessment committed to memory and be able to complete it in 3 minutes. As you know, the key is practice, practice, practice.
In the meantime, a few items that have come up:
1. Writing out the assessment flow is often a good study tool. As we discussed in class, use whatever tool works for you. I've place the example write-up on the Google Drive "Materials" folder. You can go there directly
2. Some of you have asked about the audio recording of the flow. As we discussed, it's from 2008 and the flow has changed since then, but nonetheless, this may be helpful. I've also placed it on the Google Drive "Materials" folder . You can go there directly
3. We passed out hard copies of the final exam evaluation sheets in class. It's also available in electronic form on the Google Drive "Materials" folder,
Now, back to practice, practice, practice...