Fall 2015 Outdoor Emergency Care Course

This site covers the National Ski Patrol's Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) training course that's held in the San Francisco South Bay area each Fall. Details on registration, materials, preparation and location are located on the tabs above. Course updates are posted below as they are published.

Outdoor Emergency Care® is the National Ski Patrol’s award-winning training program for patrollers and others in the recreation community who deal with emergency situations. This nationally recognized program is designed to help you manage the toughest emergencies, in all seasons. Developed in the late 1980s for the 26,000 members of the National Ski Patrol, Outdoor Emergency Care is a training program that is tailored to the nonurban rescuer. Today, OEC is considered the standard of training for emergency care in the outdoor environment and is recognized by resorts and recreational facilities in all 50 states.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wrapping up the Lectures...

Special populations (Pediatric, Geriatric, Pregnancy) lecture.  

Great job, Claire!

Friday, October 24, 2014

It's a team effort

Week 10 - Three weeks to go!

Everyone in class has put in tremendous effort and is doing well.  It's time to hone our skills in the final prep/push for the final.  Here's the set of observations we discussed in class last night that deserve some extra attention.  As we make this final press, keep these at front of mind.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

OEC V Chapter Readings Updated

Thanks to some diligent work from Joanne Barnes, we noticed that a couple of the chapters are missing from the syllabus reading list.  Updated list now posted.  Just a few tweaks, but be sure to have a look.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Written Final Exam Prep - Updated dates for reviews

As we discussed in class, it's time to turn some attention to prep for the written final exam.  To this end, we'll review one of the past final exams in each upcoming class.  Past inal exams are located here.  Here's our schedule:

§10/23: Review 2011 Exam 1
§10/28: Review 2011 Exam 2
§10/30: Review 2012 Exam 1 (or 2)
§11/6: Review 2013 Exam 3

I'd like each candidate to take/review the above exam each week.  We'll then review highlights/lowlights/questions at the beginning of each class.

Avalanche Classes

Rob Morrow, Alpine Meadows patroller and Eastern Sierra Region Avalanche Advisor is holding a series of avalanche courses this winter.  Always a good idea to be skilled in the conditions you may encounter.  Link to the course information & registration here.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Jeff Croke, MD

As I mentioned in class, I am thrilled that Dr. Jeff Croke will be our guest speaker Tuesday, Oct14.  

As you can see, Jeff is a highly accomplished physician AND ski patrolman.  Jeff has prepared some remarks for us, and then will take questions.  Get your questions ready!

More on Jeff, including video, here.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Successul Midterm & Backboard Sunday

A big congratulations to the candidates who made it through midterm & backboard Sunday weekend with flying colors.  Grueling days, very productive.  Congrats.

And a huge thanks to all the instructors who helped out.   We had a great turn-out, excellent instruction, and very positive results. Thank you all once again.

Now on to the second half of class.  Tuesday we do sager traction splints and then on to more complex thorasic and abdomnial injuries, environmental complications, and special patient populations. Looking forward to moving forward with continued positive results.

Pics from the weekend are at:

Midterm: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B85u-4tRtJEyYU1vRk8yVnhaSUU&usp=sharing

Backboard Sunday: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B85u-4tRtJEyZ0dWMWFxTTF4RDQ&usp=sharing