Fall 2015 Outdoor Emergency Care Course

This site covers the National Ski Patrol's Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) training course that's held in the San Francisco South Bay area each Fall. Details on registration, materials, preparation and location are located on the tabs above. Course updates are posted below as they are published.

Outdoor Emergency Care® is the National Ski Patrol’s award-winning training program for patrollers and others in the recreation community who deal with emergency situations. This nationally recognized program is designed to help you manage the toughest emergencies, in all seasons. Developed in the late 1980s for the 26,000 members of the National Ski Patrol, Outdoor Emergency Care is a training program that is tailored to the nonurban rescuer. Today, OEC is considered the standard of training for emergency care in the outdoor environment and is recognized by resorts and recreational facilities in all 50 states.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

CPR Class 2017

As we discussed in class, Bianca Gonzalez of LifeSafety Associates will hold a CPR class for those in our course that need it.  Details below:

Date: Saturday, Sept. 9.  9AM to 12noon

Location: LifeSafety Associates.  1876 Hartog Dr, San Jose, CA 95131    GoogleMap here.

Cost & Registration: $63.  Contact Bianca Gonzalez directly to register & arrange payment:  bgonzalez @ lifesafety.com

Big thanks to Bianca for he help here.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Assessment Flow Verbalization

Several of you have asked for an audio version of the Assessment Flow.  This would be great to have, but unfortunately, we don't have one today.

In the meantime, we do have one from 2008.  Several of you have asked to get access, so here it is.  Link here.  Shout-out to Josh Masur, now member of the NSP Board of Directors, for this recording.

BUT, if you choose to take a listen, a cautionary note - this recording uses the old 2008 OEC4 protocol.  While our current OEC5 protocol is similar, there are some differences (urgent survey, etc.).  So, if you choose to listen to this version, be very careful to ensure that you're making the appropriate translations to our current protocol.

As we've discussed, the best example we have of the current protocol is the 2-pager that we previously distributed.  Link here.

Looking forward, it would be great to have an audio version of our current protocol that we can archive and use in future classes (ours and others).  Any golden-voice volunteers to put one together?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Syllabus Update

Slight change to the syllabus - The important Respiratory Lecture and Airway & Oxygen Guided Practice is now Tuesday, Sept. 5.   Updated syllabus here & in the link above.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Week 1 Complete, Nice Job!

Candidates - Nice work on completing week #1.

As we discussed, top priority now is to become comfortable with the patient assessment "flow".  Don't worry too much about speed at this point; we'll work on that soon.  For now focus on committing the baseline assessment procedure to memory and being able to execute it at a moment's notice.  As a wise man once said: "know the flow like you know your name".

The best approach for most is to get as much practice as possible - walking through it verbally by repeating it to yourself often, and getting practical experience with your friends, family, pets, etc. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday and hearing how it went.  And, the Assessment Lottery...

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

2017/18 Winter Weather Forcast

With some luck...

Link here.

Class Slides & Materials

As we discussed in class, here's a link to the relevant materials we'll be using in class, link here.

Plus a link to class photos, link here.

Assessment Flow & Verbalization

As we discussed in class, nailing the assessment flow is critical. 

To fully internalize it, many candidates find it a useful learning aide to sit down & write out the assessment flow as they would perform it.   If this suits your learning style, I'd recommend it.  

A candidate from a couple years ago, Piotr, created a nice version.  Link here.

I'd recommend you take a cut at your own first, but you can use this as a reference.  And, of course, make the time to practice this critical skill.

Skills Evaluation Sheets

As we discussed in class, here are the skills evaluations sheets that we'll use for in-class scenario evaluations, the midterm, and a template for what the examiners use at the final practical exam.  Links here.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Preparations for Class Start Next Week

Candidates - 

We have 12 candidates and great instructor crew assembled and are looking forward to a great class.  

In preparation for the start of class next week, I'd like to point out/reiterate a few items to focus on: 

- As you know, our first class is next Tuesday, Aug. 15.  We'll start class at 6PM, but I'd advise you show up a 15 mins or so early to take care of some paperwork, get to know a few folks, and get settled. Location specifics/directions on the blog. 

- As you saw in the "Class Materials" section of the blog, be sure you have read the initial chapters in the book, and in particular, it's very important to spend some extra time to read and fully digest the "Guide to Assessment".   Assessment is a foundation of medical treatment, and is critical to have down 100% so that you can determine and direct appropriate treatment.  We spend the first class sessions on this important skill, and it's important that you arrive at class with this well studied so that we can hit the ground running.

- As you also saw in the blog, our class is driven in large part by scenarios - simulated situations where you'll be applying the skills you're learning in class.  With this approach, you'll get dirty - spending time on the floor, with moulage, etc.  As such, it's best to wear old clothes that you're comfortable exposing to such situations. 

- Finally, we have a set of supplies you'll be receiving Tuesday. Bring something to carry it all in such as what's described in the blog, i.e. backpack good; shopping bag not. 

Looking forward to having you all in class this year.  Shoot me a note with any questions you may have,