Candidates -
Looking forward to class start tomorrow. Some final details:
- We'll start Saturday at 9:00. Plan on arriving 15 mins or so early to fill out some paperwork, get to know a few folks, and settle in. We'll plan to go until 17:00
- We'll have coffee & snacks for all for the AM. But, best to have a solid breakfast before the day starts. As for lunch, one of the team members kindly offered to bring in pizza. If that's not your thing, bring your own lunch. We'll have fruit & energy bars for snacking throughout the day.
- This year, we won't be getting water in plastic water bottles. Bring your own bottle & fill up ahead or @ NetApp.
- Sunday we'll start at 9:00 and go until about noon. Same snacks, no lunch.
- Be sure to give the Assessment overview document another scan before class. Link above.
Patrollers -
- Note times, food, & water details above.
- AM team - can you also show up early to help set-up.
- Be sure to sign up on TeamUp for your shift(s)
All -
Reminder on course location on the tab above.
Thanks all,
- Bill