Fall 2015 Outdoor Emergency Care Course

This site covers the National Ski Patrol's Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) training course that's held in the San Francisco South Bay area each Fall. Details on registration, materials, preparation and location are located on the tabs above. Course updates are posted below as they are published.

Outdoor Emergency Care® is the National Ski Patrol’s award-winning training program for patrollers and others in the recreation community who deal with emergency situations. This nationally recognized program is designed to help you manage the toughest emergencies, in all seasons. Developed in the late 1980s for the 26,000 members of the National Ski Patrol, Outdoor Emergency Care is a training program that is tailored to the nonurban rescuer. Today, OEC is considered the standard of training for emergency care in the outdoor environment and is recognized by resorts and recreational facilities in all 50 states.

Monday, November 15, 2021

OEC SouthBay 2021

OEC SouthBay training for the 2021 winter season is complete. Check back here in the Spring 2022 timeframe for information about the Fall 2022 OEC SouthBay course. More information on other courses may be at: http://www.easternsierraregion.org/

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Final Exam Success!

 Candidates - 

A big congratulations on your success in your final exam this weekend.  100% pass, many perfect scores, and strong accolades from the examiners.  Well deserved.  I'm confident you'll go on to be great patrollers!

And a big thanks for the patrollers & examiners who helped make the event a success.  And, of course, thanks to our host, Novo Construction, and to our chief judge, Mark Galica, for another great job this year.

Now, give yourself a pat on the back.  And then check CMS...

I've added a few pics to the class photo album here.


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Great MCI Simulation Event!

 Candidates -

Congrats on a great performance at our Mass Casualty Incident simulation event!   You all handled a broad variety of injuries and some crazy situations and did it well!   And a big thanks to the volunteers who made it possible.  Great job!

Now on to the written & practical final exams!  I know you'll do well.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Practical Final Exam Venue & Location

 Candidates & Patrollers - 

Our practical final exam will be in Concord.  Address and map below.  (For patrollers - this is not the Concord airport, as in past years).

SouthBay Candidates: Plan on starting at 11:00.  Start time to be confirmed.  As we discussed in class, I'd suggest you show up early, team-up and do some quick assessments as warm-up.  Then 15mins before the exam begins, we'll meet as a team for some final comments.

Patrollers: See the email strings on this & contact Mark Galicia for details on your participation.  Plan on a crisp 8:00 start

Address: 1255 Willow Pass Rd.  Concord, CA  94520

GoogleMap link:  https://goo.gl/maps/VEVBGCy3rVjVLTLE6

See you there!

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Patrollers - Final Chances to Help Out at OEC This Year

Patrollers - 

Yep, three more chances:

1. Mass Casualty Simulation night.  Next Wednesday, Nov. 3 , 6:30 PM  The culmination of our class - the candidates apply all their skills, and do so in a stressful environment that we create.  At our class location @ Putnam Mazda.  We'll need Patrollers to monitor & proctor a broad variety of situations we set up.  Sign up here: https://teamup.com/ksbbcadac8c015e175

2. Final Practice Session.  Saturday, Nov. 6.  9:00AM  John Wiser will be leading a final practice session as the candidates "peak" for the practical final on Nov 13.  We'll need Patrollers to help out with this final instruction.  Sign up at:  https://teamup.com/ksbbcadac8c015e175

3. Final Practical Exam.  Saturday, Nov. 13.  8:00AM  Concord, CA.  And speaking of that final exam, we'll need many Patrollers to assist.  Once again, Mark Galicia will be out Chief Judge.   To help out, Contact him at heelsfree@yahoo.com to sign up!

Hope to see you at one or more of these events.  Thanks again,

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Schedule Change - MCI Night!

 All - Per discussions at class, we'll hold MCI night on Wednesday, Nov. 3.  Start is still at 6:30.  Details in the post below.  No class on Thursday, Nov. 4.  

Sunday, October 24, 2021

This Year's Practical Exam Evaluation Sheet


Candidates - 

Here's a generic version of the evaluation sheet that the examiners will be using in this year's practical final exam.

We'll review in class.  In the meantime, download here.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Mass Casualty Simulation Event - Nov. 3 - Need Volunteers!

[Edit - MCI night now Wednesday, Nov. 3.  6:30PM]

The culmination of our class, mass casualty simulation night, has proven to be the most engaging, most instructive, and probably the most fun class of the entire course.  Great fun for patroller candidates & volunteers alike.

What's Mass Casualty Night?

We simulate an event where we have multiple patients in need of care.  Each patient acts out a unique injury.  The patroller candidates assess each patient and then provide the appropriate care by themselves or by leading a team to do so.   Pictures from previous year's event below.

Why is it unique?

The event is unique in that it requires the candidates to bring to bear all the skills they've learned in class, and do so in a stressful environment that we create.  It's also a great opportunity for friends, family and others interested to see what this Outdoor Emergency Care is all about.

We need your help

To make this happen, we need a large number of volunteers.  This year, we're looking for around 40.  Young and old, we want and welcome all.  We'll provide you some coaching on your "injury".  In some cases, we'll also apply some moulage to better simulate the injury.   And you'll get to act it out as you like, being as high or low maintenance as you like to your patroller-rescuer and their team.


This year, our Mass Causality Simulation will take place at our usual class location: Putnam Mazda, Burlingame. located at: https://oecsouthbay.blogspot.com/p/corse-location.html

How to Sign-up

If you're joining us, please sign-up. To do so, click on the link below and go to Nov 3. Sign up as a "MCI Night Patient Volunteer". Link here:  https://teamup.com/ksbbcadac8c015e175

No doubt this year will once again prove to be very instructive to candidates, and very fun for the volunteers. 

Thanks in advance for your support!


Interesting listen for your next run/ride/workout:  https://nationalskipatrol.libsyn.com/a-conversation-with-chris-castilian-nsps-new-ceo

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

VacMat Tips

Candidates - 

As we discussed in class, many resorts are increasing use of vacuum splints.  Vacuum Mattresses, aka VacMats, are also becoming more prevalent, and require a new process to apply.  

Here's a write-up I did last year that may be helpful.  As always, refer to your local, resort protocols for your proper procedures.

Download here.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Ski Season Fitness: Ski Season and Your Candidate Year, Approaches

As we noted in class, the better shape you're in, the better your candidate year will go.  There are, of course, a huge number of programs to help you get ski-fit.  

Here's a good one from my friends at CMH Heliski.  Link to article here.

Our advice - Start now.  Find a good program.  Hit it hard.  Now.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Keep Your Skills Fresh!


As we get into more complicated scenarios & treatment protocols, it's common for baseline skills to tail off a bit.

Keep 'em fresh.

As we discussed, practice them often, on any willing "patients".

(Thanks Chris &  Anna for the great example!)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Written Final Exam Test Bank

As we discussed in class, the final exam is 100 questions pulled from a test bank of 1200 questions.  Click here for the test bank.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Head Trauma/Concussion

 Garrett discussed this subject in class.  Here's a great visual that captures the mechanics:


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Lower Extremity Splint Selection


Sager Splint Process


Thanks to Lucy for putting this together!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Backboard SMR 1-Pager


John Wiser put together a great one-pager on SMR/Backboard process.

Download your version here.

Big thanks to John for his leadership in putting this together.

Heart Attack - Men's vs Women's Symptoms


Last week we discussed heart attacks, and reviewed the different symptoms male/female.  Thanks to Mike Nealon who pointed out this instructive article on the topic.  Thanks Mike.

Link here.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Plan for Midterm & Backboard Sunday

 Here's the plan for this coming weekend:

Midterm: Oct 9 
  • Start at 09:00
  • Bring your own patient
  • Bring your own snack
  • End appx. 14:00
  • Location: Start at the Mazda dealership, then move to the Jeep dealership for the scenarios

Backboard Sunday: Oct 10
  • 07:45 Coffee, 08:00 Start
  • Morning: Skills instruction
  • Afternoon: Practical application in a variety of situations
  • Dave R. is organizing lunch
  • Wear old clothes, bring knee pads
  • End appx. 16:00-17:00
  • Location: Mazda dealership

Friday, October 1, 2021

Splinting Week & Next Steps

 Nice job this week on splinting!  And big thanks to Dave B & Jeff for taking the lead!

Looking foward, a few updates:

- As you discussed in class, there will be no bandaging & splinting practice this weekend.  Instead, we'll meet at 5:30 next Tuesday for some additional practice.  And if necessary, we'll do a bit more of this in class as well.

- Line up your guest patient for the midterm on Saturday, Oct. 9.  Start at 9:00 at the Mazda dealership.  We'll do the skills evaluation first, and your guest patients will be done by 11:30 or so.  They can take off, or hang around to observe the mock-final exam scenarios.   After the skills evals, we'll take quick break and then roll into 3-4 scenarios that will mimic the exact final exam protocol & evaluations.  We'll likely move down the street to the Jeep dealership as it has a bit more room to accommodate the scenarios.  As we discussed, these scenarios will be great feedback for us all.  We should expect to wrap up around 2PM.

- Then look forward to Backboard Sunday on the 10th.  We'll start at 8:00 promptly.  Get a good night's sleep and be there a bit early & be ready to roll.  We should wrap up around 4PM.

For now, more practice this weekend, and we'll see you all next Tuesday.

- Bill

Friday, September 24, 2021

Airway Adjuncts: OPA & NPA Demo Videos

 Candidates -

Here are two videos you may find helpful.  Plus the usual disclaimer - stay in your scope of training/practice & always follow the instructions in the OEC protocols & book...

NPA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ-fahKPOvc

Update: Above video may not be available.  If not, try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UF-VaUKmvg

OPA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a00BMlI03s

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Bleeding Control Class Thanks

 Big thanks to Jimmy of Life Safety Associates for his talk at class this week.  It's always a class highlight.  

For those of you who've asked about his contact info, you can reach him here.  His company info www.lifesafety.com

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Assessment Flow Graphic - Another Approach

Patrice put together the Assessment Flow graphic below.  Thanks Patrice!

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Class Presentation Materials & Photo Album 2021

Candidates -

Here's a link to the class Powerpoint (posted at conclusion of each class), and to the class photo album:

  • Class photo album here.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Bandaging & Splinting Guide


Here's the bandaging & splinting guideline documents we discussed in class.  Link here.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Assessment Verbalization 2-Pager

 Here's the 2-page assessment verbalization we used in class.

Link here.

Assessment Video

 Marty & Brian, candidates from a previous class, put together this video demo of the assessment process.

Link to video here.

Skills/Scenario Evaluation Sheets

 As we discussed in class, here are the evaluation sheets that will be used in the Class Scenarios, Class Midterm, and Final Practical Exam.  Link to folder so you can download here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Class Support - Patrollers


Once again, it's our team that makes our class special and enables us to provide superior results. And so once again, I'd like to invite you all to help out.

Some highlights to note: 

- Class is in Burlingame.  (And close to Caltrain!).  Easy for both North and South 

- Class starts this Saturday.  As in 2019, we'll be going all day on the 11th, and 12th to give us a good start.  As such, I'd like to have some help in both the AM and PM sessions.  Feel free to help out at one or both.  

- As in past years, sign up at: https://teamup.com/ksbbcadac8c015e175  If you are able to help out, please sign up so we know what we're working with.

- Yes, we are requiring full vaccination status for all participants, and we will be complying with county regulations to wear masks.

Thanks all.  See you all shortly!

Class Starts This Saturday - Candidates

Looking forward to class start this weekend.  A few details to highlight:

- Be sure to read & fully digest the "Guide to Assessment" prior to class.  Link above and here.

- A few of you asked about Cravats.  You'll need this starting on the first Tuesday of class. Instructions, as you know, are on the blog.  Alternatively, Janice Waits, long time supporter of the class, has made some.  She's not charging for them, but I understand she likes wine.  You can meet Janice on Saturday and negotiate your deal.

- As noted below, class will start on Saturday at 9:00.  Be there a bit early.  Bring your lunch and water.  On Sunday, we'll also start at 9:00 and shoot to wrap up early afternoon.  Here too, bring your lunch and something to drink.

- As you register for class, everyone will need to sign the NSP liability waiver and show your COVID vaccination proof (As we discussed, if this is a problem for you, no problem, I can refund your $).  Bring an image of your card, or use the California State Vaccine Registry, which is quite ease: https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/  

- Finally, as noted below, wear some clothes that you're okay lying on the floor in, and bring a backpack to carry the gear/supplies you'll receive and use.

See you all shortly! 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

OEC SouthBay 2021 Class Prep

Candidates -
We have 10 candidates and a great instructor crew assembled and are looking forward to a great class.

In preparation for the start of class in a few weeks, I'd like to point out/reiterate a few items to focus on:

- As you know, our first class is Saturday, Sept 11. We'll start class at 9:00AM, but I'd advise you show up 15 mins or so early to take care of some paperwork, get to know a few folks, and get settled. Location specifics/directions on the blog. Plan is to go all day, wrapping up around 17:00. We'll have coffee & snacks to get things started. Bring your own lunch & water bottle.

- As you saw in the "Class Materials" section of the blog, be sure you have read the initial chapters in the book, and in particular, it's very important to spend some extra time to read and fully digest the "Guide to Assessment". I do have a couple updates to make to this document to reflect the new OEC6 protocols, so I'd recommend a scan of the current document, then a more careful read of the new doc, target by this weekend. Overall, assessment is a foundation of medical treatment, and is critical to have down 100% so that you can determine and direct appropriate treatment. We spend the first class sessions on this important skill, and it's important that you arrive at class with this well studied so that we can hit the ground running.

- As you also saw in the blog, our class is driven in large part by scenarios - simulated situations where you'll be applying the skills you're learning in class. With this approach, you'll get dirty - spending time on the floor, with moulage, etc. As such, it's best to wear old clothes that you're comfortable exposing to such situations.

- Finally, we have a set of supplies you'll be receiving Saturday. Bring something to carry it all in such as what's described in the blog, i.e. backpack good; shopping bag not.

Looking forward to having you all in class this year. Shoot me a note with any questions you may have.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Vaccines Required for Class Participation

For this year's SouthBay OEC course, we will require all candidates, instructors, and participants in this year's class to be fully vaccinated (J&J 1 shot + 2 weeks, Moderna & Pfizer 2 shots + 2 weeks).  

For those not comfortable with this requirement, no problem, shoot me a note & I'll refund your class fees.

Looking forward to a safe, productive, and enjoyable class this year.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Registration Open for SouthBay OEC 2021

I'm pleased to announce that once again this Fall, we'll be hosting the Ski Patrol medical training course, Outdoor Emergency Care.

Information above.  Registration is now open at: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../outdoor-emergency-care...

SouthBay OEC 2021 Venue Announcement!

We are pleased to have Putnam Chrysler Jeep Dodge in Burlingame as our class location for 2021. 

Address: 3 California Dr, Burlingame, CA 94010  Info & GoogleMap on the Location tab above.

Mid-Peninsula.  Just off Caltrain (Burlingame Station), so easily accessible to candidates & patrollers up & down the Peninsula.

Big thanks to the Marty, Kent and their team for hosting us!  And thanks as well to NetApp & Novo Construction for hosting past year's classes as well.  We truly appreciate the support.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Fall 2021 Class Update

Candidates - 

Things are coming together more slowly this year for a number of reasons, but we're making progress.  Syllabus, dates, etc. are in good shape.  However, the key stumbling block this year is that we're struggling to find a venue.  We have several initiatives underway to secure a place.  I hope we can close on this in the next couple weeks.

As such, we've hesitated in opening up the registration.  Our plan at the moment is to see what the next week or so brings in terms of venue.  If we don't yet have a place, we'll likely open up registration with the caveat that if the venue is inconvenient for a candidate, he/she can back out, no problem.  

So, at the moment, hang tight.  I'll send another email out early next week with progress report and plan forward.

In the meantime, you can peruse the blogsite to get a picture of the preliminary syllabus, class prep, etc.  See: https://oecsouthbay.blogspot.com/

We'll speak soon,
Bill & the Instructor Team

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Class Blog Subscription News

 All - 

The good folks at Google tell me that the tool they use to support email subscriptions to this blog will be changing in the July timeframe, and as such, email subscription may not be available.  

We'll look into alternatives.  FYI for now, and good practice to check the blog periodically for class updates on those often times when your thoughts turn to OEC...

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

OEC SouthBay 2021 Update & Course Number

Preliminary schedule is posted on the blogsite.  I'll post more details as they are developed.  

Look for registration to start in the late May timeframe.

For candidates & patrollers participating, here's the course number: F066210006

Monday, March 8, 2021

OEC Fall 2021

With improving conditions, we are planning on holding the OEC SouthBay course this Fall (Fall 2021).  

We're looking at the same approach & timeline - class start in late August/early September & end in early November.  Information on this blog is from previous year's classes, but will give you an idea on how we run things.

Check back here in the May timeframe for more details on the upcoming Fall course.

In the meantime, stay safe, and get out and enjoy the skiing!