Fall 2015 Outdoor Emergency Care Course
This site covers the National Ski Patrol's Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) training course that's held in the San Francisco South Bay area each Fall. Details on registration, materials, preparation and location are located on the tabs above. Course updates are posted below as they are published.
Outdoor Emergency Care® is the National Ski Patrol’s award-winning training program for patrollers and others in the recreation community who deal with emergency situations. This nationally recognized program is designed to help you manage the toughest emergencies, in all seasons. Developed in the late 1980s for the 26,000 members of the National Ski Patrol, Outdoor Emergency Care is a training program that is tailored to the nonurban rescuer. Today, OEC is considered the standard of training for emergency care in the outdoor environment and is recognized by resorts and recreational facilities in all 50 states.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
SouthBay OEC CPR Class
Skills Evaluation Sheets
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
OEC Skills Are Valuable Everyday
"Hi .....,I wanted to thank you again for your expedient response and assistance on 7/22 involving the medical emergency on the 7th floor. You arrived within seconds of the incident and delegated responsibilities efficiently and with confidence. Your training and overall compassion and empathy for the patient made the situation exponentially easier for all parties. You stayed with xxxxx and I as long as you could, and you truly left an amazing impression on both of us.Thank you again ...... "
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Fitness Training Pro Deal

Work with a Coach who will not only challenge you physically, but will motivate you and inspire you to give more than you thought possible. Test your strength, cardiovascular level, balance, and mental toughness and become part of the XP360 family.
All fitness levels are welcome, and no matter what your fitness level is - whether you're just starting out or have been working out for months or years - we've got modifications of all our exercises to match your needs.
Try a group training class for free, then take advantage of our 5pk Intro Deal for just $75. Enter promo code 'XP360SKI16' at checkout (or mention the promotion if purchasing in person) and get an additional $10 off through September!
Private and Semi-Private training is available as well, see our website for details: xp360strengthconditioning.com
Got questions? We've got answers! Contact us at info@
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Week 1 Complete. Nice work!
As we discussed, top priority now is to become comfortable with the patient assessment "flow". Don't worry too much about speed at this point; we'll work on that soon. For now focus on committing the baseline assessment procedure to memory and being able to execute it at a moment's notice. As a wise man once said: "know the flow like you know your name".
The best approach for most is to get as much practice as possible - walking through it verbally by repeating it to yourself often, and getting practical experience with your friends, family, pets, etc.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday and hearing how it went.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Assessment Flow Verbalization
If this suits your learning style, I'd recommend it. A candidate from a couple years ago, Piotr, created a nice version. Link here.
I'd recommend you take a cut at your own first, but you can use this as a reference. And, of course, make the time to practice this critical skill.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Patrollers - New Patroller Sign-up System
As we've discussed, we've got a big class this year and will need everyone's help.
This year, I'd like to try a new sign-up system which is (much) easier to use and will give us a better picture of the patroller proctor situation.
Here's a link to the new system: https://teamup.com/ksbbcadac8c015e175 Or just click here.
No registration required, just sign up for the nights you can help. Give it a try & let me know your comments & feedback.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Specifics on Class Location at the NetApp Campus
"...As you turn on Crossman from Java, the first set of buildings on your left hand side are Java 1 and 2. Then there is a parking garage and Java 7 followed by Java 8. I'd suggest to people that they park between Java 7 and Java 8 and go into the Cafeteria directly from the side entrance..."
Preparations for Class Start Next Week
We have 15 candidates and great instructor crew assembled and are looking forward to a great class. In preparation for the start of class next week, I'd like to point out/reiterate a few items to focus on:
- As you know, our first class is next Tuesday, Aug. 16. We'll start class at 7PM, but I'd advise you show up a 15 mins or so early to take care of some paperwork, get to know a few folks, and get settled. Location specifics/directions on the blog.
- As you saw in the "Class Materials" section of the blog, be sure you have read the initial chapters in the book, and in particular, it's very important to spend some extra time to read and fully digest the "Guide to Assessment". Assessment is a foundation of medical treatment, and is critical to have down 100% so that you can determine and direct appropriate treatment. We spend the first class sessions on this important skill, and it's important that you arrive at class with this well studied so that we can hit the ground running.
- As you also saw in the blog, our class is driven in large part by scenarios - simulated situations where you'll be applying the skills you're learning in class. With this approach, you'll get dirty - spending time on the floor, with moulage, etc. As such, it's best to wear old clothes that you're comfortable exposing to such situations.
- Finally, we have a set of supplies you'll be receiving Tuesday. Bring something to carry it all in such as what's described in the blog, i.e. backpack good; shopping bag not.
Looking forward to having you all in class this year. Shoot me a note with any questions you may have,
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Updated Class Registration Procedure
As we discussed, the National Ski Patrol office has implemented a new protocol this year (2016) for students registering for OEC courses. Candidates are now required to take two steps: 1) Register with the National Office as an NSP member & candidate, and 2) Register with the local OEC course that you've chosen to take. Total $ for our class is still the same as published previously, it's just now in two steps.
The process for each of these are documented on the "Registration & Fees" tab above. Please have a look & follow the instructions there.
Two important notes for this process for Summer 2016:
- The NSP has recently rolled out a new IT system, and there are numerous reports that it is not working reliably at the moment (early August 2016). My suggestion here is to give the NSP registration process some time to settle out, and do this registration later in August/early September. As long as you register for our local class (Step 2 in the instructions in the tab above), your participation in class will not be affected.
- For those candidates who have already sent in checks for $240, I will hand these checks back to you on the first night of class & exchange them for a check from you for $180. So, bring your checkbook to class on the first night and we'll settle up.
We'll discuss further in class on the first night.